semalam balik keje kami pegi ijn...opah mama masuk ijn sebab nak buat angiogram...semalam wasuk wad...hari ni baru buat angiogram..ayah dan ibu mama yg bawah opah ke ijn....kami sampai ijn dah kol 7...lepas tu pegi hotel tempat ayah dan ibu mama bermalam...jalan kaki je...depan ijn je....hotel putra...makcik mama temankan opah kejap..
kami bawah ayah, ibu dan adik dan cousin mama pegi dinner kat kg bharu..makan kat chop n steak...dah lama mama tak makan kat sana...
irfan punya la seronok main ngan makcik2 nye...main naik horse la...dah ngantuk tapi masih nak main...makcik2 nye rajin melayan...dah kol 10.30 masih main lagi..seronok kot ade kawan..kalau kat rumah takde kawan...
kami balik kol 11...keta jalan je irfan terus zzzz...ngantuk sgt la tu...sampai rumah pun dia tak terjaga...tido sampai pagi
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
ladybird busyuk
irfan takde bantal busuk...tapi dia ade ladybird busuk...camne tu..hahaha...bukan busuk la...kesayangan...
irfan ade satu anak patung abah belikan dah lama..masa dia 5-6 bulan..tapi dia tak main sangat...sekarang kalau nampak je ladybird dia, mesti dia cium2, peluk...kadang2 bila tgh makan, siap nak suap lagi ladybird...hehehe...bila nampak mama/abah peluk ladybird dia, mesti dia rampas balik dan peluk ladybird tu...kelakar pulak...
bila nak tido, dia peluk ladybird, main2 ngan sesungut dia...bila dah tido, dah ke mana2 ladybird tu..irfan ni tido lasak sgt...
nanti mama amik gambar irfan ngan ladybird nye tu ye..
irfan ade satu anak patung abah belikan dah lama..masa dia 5-6 bulan..tapi dia tak main sangat...sekarang kalau nampak je ladybird dia, mesti dia cium2, peluk...kadang2 bila tgh makan, siap nak suap lagi ladybird...hehehe...bila nampak mama/abah peluk ladybird dia, mesti dia rampas balik dan peluk ladybird tu...kelakar pulak...
bila nak tido, dia peluk ladybird, main2 ngan sesungut dia...bila dah tido, dah ke mana2 ladybird tu..irfan ni tido lasak sgt...
nanti mama amik gambar irfan ngan ladybird nye tu ye..
karenah si kenit
pumpkin pancake
pumpkin (cooked and mashed)
milk - my son's milk
1. mix together flour, milk and egg
2. add the mashed pumpkin. stir until blended
3. coat skillet with unsalted butter.
4. cook the pancake until golden brown
tambah brown sugar dalam adunan pancake tu untuk mama dan abah...irfan punya takde gula..
pumpkin (cooked and mashed)
milk - my son's milk
1. mix together flour, milk and egg
2. add the mashed pumpkin. stir until blended
3. coat skillet with unsalted butter.
4. cook the pancake until golden brown
tambah brown sugar dalam adunan pancake tu untuk mama dan abah...irfan punya takde gula..
baby food
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
cerita2 je
mama dan abah cuti panjang...sampai krismas...lepas sembahyang raya, kitorang terus balik kg mama, teluk intan...irfan bukan main seronok lagi...ramai yg melayan dia...kat sana dia mmg manja ngan tok nye...tok nye asyik dukung dia je...mana dia tak manja dgn tok...sabtu dah balik sini...ahad abah ade shooting gambar wedding...dok rumah je la mama ngan irfan..macam biasa bila abah balik je, dia terus berkepit ngan abah...
tgk irfan dan semakin kurus...susu mmg kurang sgt dia minum..makan pun sikit jugak...macam2 dah mama masakkan utk dia...still makan sikit je...makin kurus dah dia..risau pulak...
irfan dah mula nak belajar tatih...dah leh melangkah setapak dua...dia asyik nak bertatih je...rajin berlatih si kenit ni...
semalam satu hari kami keluar...byk benda yg nak diuruskan...hari ni abah keluar jumpa kawan dan customer dia...sampai ptg..cadang nak minta abah drop mama dan irfan kat OU...tapi macam malas pulak nak keluar...mama dan irfan dok umah je la lagi...
tgk irfan dan semakin kurus...susu mmg kurang sgt dia minum..makan pun sikit jugak...macam2 dah mama masakkan utk dia...still makan sikit je...makin kurus dah dia..risau pulak...
irfan dah mula nak belajar tatih...dah leh melangkah setapak dua...dia asyik nak bertatih je...rajin berlatih si kenit ni...
semalam satu hari kami keluar...byk benda yg nak diuruskan...hari ni abah keluar jumpa kawan dan customer dia...sampai ptg..cadang nak minta abah drop mama dan irfan kat OU...tapi macam malas pulak nak keluar...mama dan irfan dok umah je la lagi...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
14 mos
semalam irfan masuk 14 bulan...semakin besar anak mama ni...
progress irfan
* dah boleh berdiri tapi tak stabil lagi
* suka tgk animal
* tak kedekut..kalau dia tgh makan, kita minta mesti dia suap kat kita...
* pantang nampak makanan...mesti mulut dia bising sebut mum mum...selagi tak dapat selagi tu la dia sebut...tapi makan nye sikit je pun
* dah faham arahan..kalau mama cakap tolong amikkan mainan tu, dia amik dan bagi kat mama
* makin kuat mengamuk...kalau ngamuk siap guling2, hentak2 kaki kat lantai
* tak leh kena tinggal...nak ke dapur pun kena senyap2..kalau dia perasan mama dia takde, mengamuk lagi
* kalau dia poo poo, perlahan2 dia pegi kat mama pastu duduk atas riba sambil sengih2...nak suh cuci la tu...tak nak lak dia gi kat abah dia
* dah pandai rindu abah..kalau weekend abah gi shooting, abah balik je irfan terus suh abah dukung, manja2 ngan abah..mama dia tak layan
ape lagi?..ha...bila la si kenit ni nak jalan....risau pulak
progress irfan
* dah boleh berdiri tapi tak stabil lagi
* suka tgk animal
* tak kedekut..kalau dia tgh makan, kita minta mesti dia suap kat kita...
* pantang nampak makanan...mesti mulut dia bising sebut mum mum...selagi tak dapat selagi tu la dia sebut...tapi makan nye sikit je pun
* dah faham arahan..kalau mama cakap tolong amikkan mainan tu, dia amik dan bagi kat mama
* makin kuat mengamuk...kalau ngamuk siap guling2, hentak2 kaki kat lantai
* tak leh kena tinggal...nak ke dapur pun kena senyap2..kalau dia perasan mama dia takde, mengamuk lagi
* kalau dia poo poo, perlahan2 dia pegi kat mama pastu duduk atas riba sambil sengih2...nak suh cuci la tu...tak nak lak dia gi kat abah dia
* dah pandai rindu abah..kalau weekend abah gi shooting, abah balik je irfan terus suh abah dukung, manja2 ngan abah..mama dia tak layan
ape lagi?..ha...bila la si kenit ni nak jalan....risau pulak
progress irfan
super hero
dapat ni dari ms lola
Your Superpower Should Be Manipulating Electricity |
![]() You're highly reactive, energetic, and super charged. If the occasion calls for it, you can go from 0 to 60 in a split second. But you don't harness your energy unless you truly need to. And because of this, people are often surprised by what you are capable of. Why you would be a good superhero: You have the stamina to fight enemies for days Your biggest problem as a superhero: As with your normal life, people would continue to underestimate you |
jumpa ni dalam blog anamira
blue?..i like blue...hehehe
Your Blog Should Be Blue |
![]() |
blue?..i like blue...hehehe

sabtu lepas bawak irfan gi kidzsport lagi...kali ni outing dgn mommies fp...meriah jugak...tapi irfan macam biasa...main sorang2...dia bukannye nak main ngan babies/toddler lain....irfan suka main ngan budak2 besar...kenapa ntah...kali ni sekejap je irfan main...dia mengantuk...merengek je...keluar dari kidzsport..letak je dia dalam stroller, terus dia tido...ngantuk sgt la tu...
antara family fp yg join hari tu

the babies


more pic @
Friday, December 14, 2007
french toast
breakfast irfan semalam...habis sekeping roti dia makan...
cara2 nak buat semua org tau kan...mama masak french toast tu tak guna minyak..guna sikit unsalted butter..
cara2 nak buat semua org tau kan...mama masak french toast tu tak guna minyak..guna sikit unsalted butter..
irfan's food
crispy chicken & fish
semalam mama buatkan resepi untuk irfan..dia suka..makan camtu je..jadi finger food...
chicken fillet
black paper (sikit je)
cornflakes crumb
1. bancuh tepung..masukkan telur, black paper
2. celup fish fillet dalam adunan tepung tadi...dan gaulkan dengan cornflakes crumb
3. bakar hingga kekuningan
4. ikan pun sama dgn cara di atas
yg ni abah irfan pun suka makan...
chicken fillet
black paper (sikit je)
cornflakes crumb
1. bancuh tepung..masukkan telur, black paper
2. celup fish fillet dalam adunan tepung tadi...dan gaulkan dengan cornflakes crumb
3. bakar hingga kekuningan
4. ikan pun sama dgn cara di atas
yg ni abah irfan pun suka makan...
irfan's food
semalam abah dan mama amik cuti..nak pegi haier/samsung warehouse sale...hehehe....pagi2 lagi dah pegi...tgk2...akhirnya kitorang beli washing machine dan peti ais..huhuhuh....mmg nak beli pun untuk rumah baru nanti...ingat nak beli TV sekali..tapi semua abah tak berkenan.....sampai tgh hari kat situ...
lepas tu pegi tabung haji pulak dan terus ke OU....jalan2 jusco situ pulak...abah nak survey TV....seharian kami berjalan semalam...dari pagi sampai malam...kol 11 malam baru sampai rumah...kaki pun dah lenguh2...irfan tak meragam pun...dia ni mmg suka kalau berjalan2 ni...masa kat tabung haji, irfan boleh main cak2 ngan pekerja tabung haji tu...hehehe....siap buat aksi2 manja lagi...
kat OU pulak semua benda dia tunjuk...mulut bising membebel2....
sampai rumah, masing terus zzzzz...
lepas tu pegi tabung haji pulak dan terus ke OU....jalan2 jusco situ pulak...abah nak survey TV....seharian kami berjalan semalam...dari pagi sampai malam...kol 11 malam baru sampai rumah...kaki pun dah lenguh2...irfan tak meragam pun...dia ni mmg suka kalau berjalan2 ni...masa kat tabung haji, irfan boleh main cak2 ngan pekerja tabung haji tu...hehehe....siap buat aksi2 manja lagi...
kat OU pulak semua benda dia tunjuk...mulut bising membebel2....
sampai rumah, masing terus zzzzz...
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
irfan sekarang dah pandai mengamuk..kalau ade benda yg dia nak tak dapat mesti dia mengamuk...siap guling2 kat lantai...hentak2 kaki...baling semua barang yg dekat ngan dia....huh...kadang2 bila mama lambat dukung dia, pun ngamuk...macam mana la nak ajar si kenit ni jgn kuat ngamuk...
Why it happens
A temper tantrum is the emotional equivalent of a summer storm — sudden and sometimes fierce. One minute you and your child are in a restaurant enjoying your dinner, the next minute he's whimpering, whining, and then screaming at the top of his lungs because his straw is bent. Children between the ages of 1 and 3 are especially prone to such episodes.Though you may worry that you're raising a tyrant, take heart — at this age, it's unlikely that your child is throwing a fit to be manipulative. More likely, he's having a meltdown in response to frustration. Claire B. Kopp, professor of applied developmental psychology at California's Claremont Graduate University, attributes much of the problem to uneven language skills. "Toddlers are beginning to understand a lot more of the words they hear, yet their ability to produce language is so limited," she says. When your child can't express how he feels or what he wants, frustration mounts.
What to do
Don't lose your cool. A tantrum is not a pretty sight. In addition to kicking, screaming, or pounding the floor, your toddler's repertoire may include throwing things, hitting, and even holding his breath to the point of turning blue. When your child is swept up in a tantrum, he's unlikely to listen to reason, though he will respond — negatively — to your yelling or threatening. "I found the more I shouted at Brandon to stop, the wilder he would get," says one mother of a 2-year-old. What worked instead, she discovered, was to just sit down and be with him while he raged.Staying with your child during a tantrum is a good idea. Stomping out of the room — alluring as that may be — can make him feel abandoned. The storm of emotion he's going through can be frightening to him, and he'll appreciate knowing you're nearby. Some experts recommend picking up your child and holding him if it's feasible (i.e., he's not flailing too much), saying he'll find your embrace comforting. But others say it's better to ignore the tantrum until your child calms down, rather than rewarding negative behavior. Through trial and error, you'll learn which approach is right for your child.
Remember that you're the adult. No matter how long the tantrum continues, don't give in to unreasonable demands or negotiate with your screaming toddler. It's especially tempting in public to cave in as a way of ending the episode. Try not to worry about what others think — anyone who's a parent has been there before. By conceding, you'll only be teaching your child that throwing a fit is a good way to get what he wants, and setting the stage for future behavior problems. Besides, your child is already frightened by being out of control. The last thing he needs is to feel that you're not in control either.If your child's outburst escalates to the point where he's hitting people or pets, throwing things, or screaming nonstop, pick him up and carry him to a safe place, such as his bedroom. Tell him why he's there ("because you hit Aunt Sally"), and let him know that you'll stay with him until his negative behavior stops. If you're in a public place — a common breeding ground for tantrums — be prepared to leave with your child until he calms down."When my daughter was 2, she had an absolute fit at a restaurant because the plain spaghetti she ordered arrived with chopped parsley on it," recalls one mother. "Although I realized why she was upset, I wasn't about to let her disrupt everyone's dinner. I took her outside until she calmed down."
Talk it over afterward. When the storm subsides, hold your child close and talk about what happened. Acknowledge his frustration, and help him put his feelings into words, saying something like, "You were very angry because your food wasn't the way you wanted it." Let him see that once he expresses himself in words, he'll get better results. Say with a smile, "I'm sorry I didn't understand you. Now that you're not screaming, I can find out what you want."
Try to head off tantrum-inducing situations. Pay attention to what situations push your child's buttons and plan accordingly. If he falls apart when he's hungry, carry snacks with you. If he has trouble making a transition from one activity to the next, give him a gentle heads-up before a change. Alerting him to the fact that you're about to leave the playground or sit down to dinner ("We're going to eat when you and Daddy are done with your story") gives him a chance to adjust instead of react.Your toddler is grappling with independence, so offer him choices whenever possible. No one likes being told what to do all the time. Saying, "Would you like corn or carrots?" rather than "Eat your corn!" will give him a sense of control. Monitor how often you're saying "no." If you find you're rattling it off routinely, you're probably putting unnecessary stress on both of you. Try to ease up and choose your battles. Would it really wreck your schedule to spend an extra five minutes at the playground? And does anybody really care if your tike wears mismatched mittens?
Watch for signs of overstress. Although daily tantrums are a perfectly normal part of the mid-toddler years, you do need to keep an eye out for possible problems. Has there been upheaval in the family? An extremely busy or harried period? Tension between Mom and Dad? All of these can provoke tantrums. If after the age of 30 months your child is still having major tantrums every day, talk to your doctor. If your child is younger than 30 months and has three or four tantrums a day and isn't cooperating with any routines, such as getting dressed or picking up toys, you also may want to seek help. Your doctor can make sure your child has no serious physical or psychological problems and suggest ways to deal with the outbursts. Also, talk to your doctor if your child has frightening breath-holding spells when he gets upset. There's some evidence that this behavior is linked to an iron deficiency.
Why it happens
A temper tantrum is the emotional equivalent of a summer storm — sudden and sometimes fierce. One minute you and your child are in a restaurant enjoying your dinner, the next minute he's whimpering, whining, and then screaming at the top of his lungs because his straw is bent. Children between the ages of 1 and 3 are especially prone to such episodes.Though you may worry that you're raising a tyrant, take heart — at this age, it's unlikely that your child is throwing a fit to be manipulative. More likely, he's having a meltdown in response to frustration. Claire B. Kopp, professor of applied developmental psychology at California's Claremont Graduate University, attributes much of the problem to uneven language skills. "Toddlers are beginning to understand a lot more of the words they hear, yet their ability to produce language is so limited," she says. When your child can't express how he feels or what he wants, frustration mounts.
What to do
Don't lose your cool. A tantrum is not a pretty sight. In addition to kicking, screaming, or pounding the floor, your toddler's repertoire may include throwing things, hitting, and even holding his breath to the point of turning blue. When your child is swept up in a tantrum, he's unlikely to listen to reason, though he will respond — negatively — to your yelling or threatening. "I found the more I shouted at Brandon to stop, the wilder he would get," says one mother of a 2-year-old. What worked instead, she discovered, was to just sit down and be with him while he raged.Staying with your child during a tantrum is a good idea. Stomping out of the room — alluring as that may be — can make him feel abandoned. The storm of emotion he's going through can be frightening to him, and he'll appreciate knowing you're nearby. Some experts recommend picking up your child and holding him if it's feasible (i.e., he's not flailing too much), saying he'll find your embrace comforting. But others say it's better to ignore the tantrum until your child calms down, rather than rewarding negative behavior. Through trial and error, you'll learn which approach is right for your child.
Remember that you're the adult. No matter how long the tantrum continues, don't give in to unreasonable demands or negotiate with your screaming toddler. It's especially tempting in public to cave in as a way of ending the episode. Try not to worry about what others think — anyone who's a parent has been there before. By conceding, you'll only be teaching your child that throwing a fit is a good way to get what he wants, and setting the stage for future behavior problems. Besides, your child is already frightened by being out of control. The last thing he needs is to feel that you're not in control either.If your child's outburst escalates to the point where he's hitting people or pets, throwing things, or screaming nonstop, pick him up and carry him to a safe place, such as his bedroom. Tell him why he's there ("because you hit Aunt Sally"), and let him know that you'll stay with him until his negative behavior stops. If you're in a public place — a common breeding ground for tantrums — be prepared to leave with your child until he calms down."When my daughter was 2, she had an absolute fit at a restaurant because the plain spaghetti she ordered arrived with chopped parsley on it," recalls one mother. "Although I realized why she was upset, I wasn't about to let her disrupt everyone's dinner. I took her outside until she calmed down."
Talk it over afterward. When the storm subsides, hold your child close and talk about what happened. Acknowledge his frustration, and help him put his feelings into words, saying something like, "You were very angry because your food wasn't the way you wanted it." Let him see that once he expresses himself in words, he'll get better results. Say with a smile, "I'm sorry I didn't understand you. Now that you're not screaming, I can find out what you want."
Try to head off tantrum-inducing situations. Pay attention to what situations push your child's buttons and plan accordingly. If he falls apart when he's hungry, carry snacks with you. If he has trouble making a transition from one activity to the next, give him a gentle heads-up before a change. Alerting him to the fact that you're about to leave the playground or sit down to dinner ("We're going to eat when you and Daddy are done with your story") gives him a chance to adjust instead of react.Your toddler is grappling with independence, so offer him choices whenever possible. No one likes being told what to do all the time. Saying, "Would you like corn or carrots?" rather than "Eat your corn!" will give him a sense of control. Monitor how often you're saying "no." If you find you're rattling it off routinely, you're probably putting unnecessary stress on both of you. Try to ease up and choose your battles. Would it really wreck your schedule to spend an extra five minutes at the playground? And does anybody really care if your tike wears mismatched mittens?
Watch for signs of overstress. Although daily tantrums are a perfectly normal part of the mid-toddler years, you do need to keep an eye out for possible problems. Has there been upheaval in the family? An extremely busy or harried period? Tension between Mom and Dad? All of these can provoke tantrums. If after the age of 30 months your child is still having major tantrums every day, talk to your doctor. If your child is younger than 30 months and has three or four tantrums a day and isn't cooperating with any routines, such as getting dressed or picking up toys, you also may want to seek help. Your doctor can make sure your child has no serious physical or psychological problems and suggest ways to deal with the outbursts. Also, talk to your doctor if your child has frightening breath-holding spells when he gets upset. There's some evidence that this behavior is linked to an iron deficiency.
article from
oven ku rosak pulak
last week mama buat biskut untuk irfan..sebelum ni mama try buat oat biscuit..irfan suka..kali ni mama try buat Vanilla Biscotti..resepi dari
Vanilla Biscotti
4-6 oz sugar(sikit je letak)
1 1/2 tbsp butter
1 egg
1/2 tsp baking powder
tiny pinch salt (mama tak letak garam)
1tsp vanilla extract
4oz flour
Preheat the oven to 350 deg F, 180 deg C.
Cream the sugar with the butter and beat in the egg.Add the vanilla extract, flour, baking powder and salt and mix the dough well.
Form the dough into a long "log" shape and bake for 20 mins on a greased baking sheet/cookie sheet.
Allow to cool, then cut into 1/2 in slices.
Place each slice, cut side down, on a baking/cookie sheet, then bake for another 15-20 mins, turning the Biscotti over half way through the cooking time.
tengah2 bakar tu, tetiba oven rosak..arghh...belum masak betul pun biskut tu....abah pulak amik biskut tu masuk dalam microwave...tgk2 biskut tu jadi keras cam batu...hehehe...mmg irfan tak leh gigit langsung....irfan cuma makan satu je, hisap2 je....hehehe...kesian anak mama...nasib baik mama buat sikit je....
nak kena repair oven ni...tgh2 rajin nak bake ni oven rosak pulak....
Vanilla Biscotti
4-6 oz sugar(sikit je letak)
1 1/2 tbsp butter
1 egg
1/2 tsp baking powder
tiny pinch salt (mama tak letak garam)
1tsp vanilla extract
4oz flour
Preheat the oven to 350 deg F, 180 deg C.
Cream the sugar with the butter and beat in the egg.Add the vanilla extract, flour, baking powder and salt and mix the dough well.
Form the dough into a long "log" shape and bake for 20 mins on a greased baking sheet/cookie sheet.
Allow to cool, then cut into 1/2 in slices.
Place each slice, cut side down, on a baking/cookie sheet, then bake for another 15-20 mins, turning the Biscotti over half way through the cooking time.
tengah2 bakar tu, tetiba oven rosak..arghh...belum masak betul pun biskut tu....abah pulak amik biskut tu masuk dalam microwave...tgk2 biskut tu jadi keras cam batu...hehehe...mmg irfan tak leh gigit langsung....irfan cuma makan satu je, hisap2 je....hehehe...kesian anak mama...nasib baik mama buat sikit je....
nak kena repair oven ni...tgh2 rajin nak bake ni oven rosak pulak....
Monday, December 10, 2007
Mac & Cheese
try bagi irfan makan mac & cheese last weekend
ni resepi dari erna =>
Mac & Cheese sempoi D&D
Rebus macaroni pasta sampai masak
(al dente).
Angkat, toskan.
Cairkan butter skit, masukkan chop garlic
1ulas (or bawang kecik 1 ulas)..
Masukkan susu segar skit(guna susu irfan),
cheese slice (ikut banyak mana
nak, bergantung pada banyak pasta...saya
masuk 2 slices) Last masuk cooked pasta
dan gaul rata.
Sedia untuk dimakan
sekarang irfan dah tak nak mama suapkan..nak makan sendiri..kalau mama suap mesti dia capai yg dalam pinggan, tak pun dia rampas sudu dari tangan mama...habis bersepah semua...
so weekend lepas mama bagi la irfan suap sendiri...bukak baju dan seluar dia, bentang surat khabar...dia pun suap la sendiri sambil tersengih2...seronok kot makan sendiri...lepas tu dia main2 pulak makanan tu...mama suapkan lepas tu..dia dah tak nak makan..
ni resepi dari erna =>
Mac & Cheese sempoi D&D
Rebus macaroni pasta sampai masak
(al dente).
Angkat, toskan.
Cairkan butter skit, masukkan chop garlic
1ulas (or bawang kecik 1 ulas)..
Masukkan susu segar skit(guna susu irfan),
cheese slice (ikut banyak mana
nak, bergantung pada banyak pasta...saya
masuk 2 slices) Last masuk cooked pasta
dan gaul rata.
Sedia untuk dimakan
sekarang irfan dah tak nak mama suapkan..nak makan sendiri..kalau mama suap mesti dia capai yg dalam pinggan, tak pun dia rampas sudu dari tangan mama...habis bersepah semua...
so weekend lepas mama bagi la irfan suap sendiri...bukak baju dan seluar dia, bentang surat khabar...dia pun suap la sendiri sambil tersengih2...seronok kot makan sendiri...lepas tu dia main2 pulak makanan tu...mama suapkan lepas tu..dia dah tak nak makan..
fun time @kidzsport

weekend lepas abah ade job satu dan ahad...bosan la mama dok rumah je...irfan sure meragam je kalau seharian kat rumah
sabtu abah ade shooting gambar wedding kat taman tun..tetiba mama dapat idea..mama minta abah drop mama kat ou..leh bawak irfan gi kidzsport..abah setuju...
so sabtu tu sebelum abah pegi shooting, abah drop mama dan irfan kat ou...mama bawak irfan gi kidzsport..seronok dia main...irfan suka main slide..mula2 dia takut...siap pegang slide tu taknak lepas...lepas tu dia seronok pulak..asyik nak naik slide je....

puas la dia merangkak pusing2 dalam tu...bila dah petang org dah ramai sgt...sian irfan kepala dia kena sepak ngan budak yg tgh main slide...nangis dia...byk kali tangan irfan nak kena pijak ngan budak2 yg berlari2...lenkali kena pegi awal2 pagi la...baru tak ramai sgt org..
dalam kol 5 lebih kitorang pun keluar dari kidzsport tu...irfan pun dah ngantuk...letak je dia dalam stroller terus dia zzzzz....mama pegi jalan2 kat jusco pulak sementara tunggu abah jemput...tetiba mama terperasan kasut irfan takde sebelah..dah tercicir..irfan ni mmg suka cabut2 kasut..mama tak perasan bila dia cabut..puas la mama cari balik kat tempat yg mama jalan..tak jumpa...alahai...dahla kasut tu baru je beli..baru 2-3 kali je pakai...ish..ish...
abah jemput kitorang kol 7 lebih...
more pic @
Thursday, December 6, 2007
cerita semalam
kebeakangan ni irfan tak nak dok dalam carseat...kalau letak dia dalam carseat tu mesti meraung2 dia...
semalam balik keje abah jemput irfan dulu...baru jemput mama..abah letak je dia dalam carseat teruk nangis...nangis jerit2 cam kena cubit je...abah siap kena berhenti tepi dulu tgk irfan...nasib baik la nursery ngan ofis mama dekat je...bila dah sampai ofis mama irfan dah nangis teresak2 dah...kesian...mama dukung dia pun nagis lagi...dah merajuk la tu...
balik keje tu kitorang pegi midvalley...nak beli barang sikit kat carrefour...sampai midvalley terus irfan tersengih2...mentang2 la jalan2...happy terus dia...sengih je masa kat midvalley tu..tak meragam sikit pun...
pegi carrefour nak beli susu untuk irfan..huh...mahal betul harga susu sekarang...alangkah bagus nye kalau mama berjaya susu kan irfan sendiri...takde la nak pening2 kepala nak fikir budjet untuk susu...yg penting irfan lak dapat yg terbaik dari mama dia...mungkin takde la dia asyik sakit je...bila fikirkan balik kenapa mama tak berjaya susukan irfan mmg sedih betul...mama jeles tgk org ibu2 lain susukan anak diorang...mama suka tgk ibu2 menyusukan anak mereka dgn susu ibu..masa mula2 dulu mmg mama takde ilmu pasal susuibu ni...sekarang baru nak menuntut...menyesal tak menuntut awal2 dulu...tapi takpe...mama berazam untuk anak2 yg berikut nya nanti, mama akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk menyusukan mereka dgn susuibu selama mungkin...InsyaAllah...
semalam balik keje abah jemput irfan dulu...baru jemput mama..abah letak je dia dalam carseat teruk nangis...nangis jerit2 cam kena cubit je...abah siap kena berhenti tepi dulu tgk irfan...nasib baik la nursery ngan ofis mama dekat je...bila dah sampai ofis mama irfan dah nangis teresak2 dah...kesian...mama dukung dia pun nagis lagi...dah merajuk la tu...
balik keje tu kitorang pegi midvalley...nak beli barang sikit kat carrefour...sampai midvalley terus irfan tersengih2...mentang2 la jalan2...happy terus dia...sengih je masa kat midvalley tu..tak meragam sikit pun...
pegi carrefour nak beli susu untuk irfan..huh...mahal betul harga susu sekarang...alangkah bagus nye kalau mama berjaya susu kan irfan sendiri...takde la nak pening2 kepala nak fikir budjet untuk susu...yg penting irfan lak dapat yg terbaik dari mama dia...mungkin takde la dia asyik sakit je...bila fikirkan balik kenapa mama tak berjaya susukan irfan mmg sedih betul...mama jeles tgk org ibu2 lain susukan anak diorang...mama suka tgk ibu2 menyusukan anak mereka dgn susu ibu..masa mula2 dulu mmg mama takde ilmu pasal susuibu ni...sekarang baru nak menuntut...menyesal tak menuntut awal2 dulu...tapi takpe...mama berazam untuk anak2 yg berikut nya nanti, mama akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk menyusukan mereka dgn susuibu selama mungkin...InsyaAllah...
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
last week try bagi irfan resepi ni
mama amik dari
Yoghurt Cheesy Potatoes
2 large baking potatoes
4 tablespoons chopped cooked broccoli
4 tablespoons grated cheddar cheese
4 tablespoons nonfat plain yoghurt
1. Preheat the oven to 200 C
2. Wash the potatoes and prick them with a fork in several places. Bake the potatoes in the oven until tender, about 1 hour.
3. When cooked, cut the potatoes lengthwise in half and scoop out the cooked potatoes.
4. In a bowl, mix the mashed potatoes, broccoli and cheese. Fill the potato shells with the mixture and bake for another 10 minutes.
5. Serve each potato shell with a tablespoon of yoghurt
tapi irfan makan sikit je..mungkin dia tak suka rasa cheese tu kot..last2..abah dia yg habiskan..
mama amik dari
Yoghurt Cheesy Potatoes
2 large baking potatoes
4 tablespoons chopped cooked broccoli
4 tablespoons grated cheddar cheese
4 tablespoons nonfat plain yoghurt
1. Preheat the oven to 200 C
2. Wash the potatoes and prick them with a fork in several places. Bake the potatoes in the oven until tender, about 1 hour.
3. When cooked, cut the potatoes lengthwise in half and scoop out the cooked potatoes.
4. In a bowl, mix the mashed potatoes, broccoli and cheese. Fill the potato shells with the mixture and bake for another 10 minutes.
5. Serve each potato shell with a tablespoon of yoghurt
tapi irfan makan sikit je..mungkin dia tak suka rasa cheese tu kot..last2..abah dia yg habiskan..
baby food
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
semalam amik irfan lewat sikit dari taska...abah balik lewat sikit...sampai je rumah irfan meragam...bagi susu, dia minum sikit je...nangis je...mama ingat dia lapar...mama pun bagi la dia makan nasi...dia cam tak nak...dia nangis2 je...tetiba dia muntah...pas tu nangis lagi...mama dukung, pujuk dia....sapu minyak kat perut dia...tetiba dia muntah lagi....
mama dukung lagi...tak lama lepas tu irfan muntah lagi sekali...tak boleh jadi ni..risau pulak...asal muntah2...mama ngan abah pujuk2 lagi..irfan cam nak muntah lagi....tak lama lepas tu dia muntah lagi..mama dah risau...dah siap2 nak gi klinik...letak irfan atas katil...dia nampak cam letih sgt..penat asyik muntah kot...dia terus tertido....abah pun cakap esok je la bawak..kesian irfan dah tido...okla
malam tadi irfan tido merengek2...2-3 kali bangun nak susu..mama ingat ah ok la...tapi tgh malam tu rasa badan irfan cam panas sikit....tapi pagi tadi dah tak panas...irfan pun nampak cam dah ok...mama cuti nak tgk kot2 dia muntah2 lagi...
mama nak suap dia bubur...bila sampai je sudu kat mulut dia, terus dia muntah risau pulak...menagis je....sekarang dah tak nangis...muntah pun takde lagi...sekali je pagi tadi..tapi ni belum bagi dia susu..takut dia muntah lak lagi bila minum susu nanti...
kisah nursery pulak...
bila irfan muntah2 semalam mama call taska tanya irfan ade jatuh ke...pengasuh dia cakap takde...bila bagi dia makan bubur?...dia cakap dalam kol 2...mama dah nak naik angin dah...dah berjuta kali mama cakap bagi irfan makan bubur lepas dia mandi pagi...takut bubur tu tak tahan sampai ptg....lepas tu mama tanya petang bagi makan ape...dia cakap tak bagi makan lagi buat mama naik angin...habis tu mama ade bekalkan nestum untuk ptg...tiap kali balik tgk dua2 bekas kosong....dia buat ape ngan nestum tu?..buang?...mama dah syak lama dah dia tak bagi irfan makan nestum ptg...sebab dah byk kali tgk bekas yg mama isi nestum kosong tapi berserbuk..takkan la dia salin bekas lain baru bancuh..sebab mama mmg bekalkan nestum tu utk sekali makan...dah la anak muntah2...mmg dah tak leh sabar dah ni...
mama dukung lagi...tak lama lepas tu irfan muntah lagi sekali...tak boleh jadi ni..risau pulak...asal muntah2...mama ngan abah pujuk2 lagi..irfan cam nak muntah lagi....tak lama lepas tu dia muntah lagi..mama dah risau...dah siap2 nak gi klinik...letak irfan atas katil...dia nampak cam letih sgt..penat asyik muntah kot...dia terus tertido....abah pun cakap esok je la bawak..kesian irfan dah tido...okla
malam tadi irfan tido merengek2...2-3 kali bangun nak susu..mama ingat ah ok la...tapi tgh malam tu rasa badan irfan cam panas sikit....tapi pagi tadi dah tak panas...irfan pun nampak cam dah ok...mama cuti nak tgk kot2 dia muntah2 lagi...
mama nak suap dia bubur...bila sampai je sudu kat mulut dia, terus dia muntah risau pulak...menagis je....sekarang dah tak nangis...muntah pun takde lagi...sekali je pagi tadi..tapi ni belum bagi dia susu..takut dia muntah lak lagi bila minum susu nanti...
kisah nursery pulak...
bila irfan muntah2 semalam mama call taska tanya irfan ade jatuh ke...pengasuh dia cakap takde...bila bagi dia makan bubur?...dia cakap dalam kol 2...mama dah nak naik angin dah...dah berjuta kali mama cakap bagi irfan makan bubur lepas dia mandi pagi...takut bubur tu tak tahan sampai ptg....lepas tu mama tanya petang bagi makan ape...dia cakap tak bagi makan lagi buat mama naik angin...habis tu mama ade bekalkan nestum untuk ptg...tiap kali balik tgk dua2 bekas kosong....dia buat ape ngan nestum tu?..buang?...mama dah syak lama dah dia tak bagi irfan makan nestum ptg...sebab dah byk kali tgk bekas yg mama isi nestum kosong tapi berserbuk..takkan la dia salin bekas lain baru bancuh..sebab mama mmg bekalkan nestum tu utk sekali makan...dah la anak muntah2...mmg dah tak leh sabar dah ni...
lepas geram,
tak sihat
Monday, December 3, 2007
irfan's meal
last weekend mama buat oatmeal biscuit untuk irfan...dia suka jugak la makan
mama amik recepi dari
125g butter
½ cup sugar(mama tak letak gula utk irfan)
¼ cup rolled oats
1 cup plain flour
1 tsp vanilla essence (optional) (ni pun tak letak)
1. Soften butter and mix with sugar and vanilla essence with a wooden spoon.
2. Mix in oats, then flour.
3. Separate into 2 portions and wrap in cling wrap.
4. Chill in fridge till firm.
5. Take out 1 chilled portion and roll out to about 1cm thick in between 2 sheets of cling wrap.
6. Cut with bear shape cookie cutter.
7. Re-chill dough if it becomes too soft to handle and work on the other portion.
8. Bake in oven at 190 C until lightly brown.
9. Cool and store in airtight container.
lunch and dinner semalam mama buatkan sup daging untuk irfan...masak sama macam sup daging biasa..mama tak letak garam untuk irfan...mama letak kentang, carrot, cendawan dan tofu..ok sikit la irfan makan...nasi nye tak makan sgt pun...dia hirup sup je byk...irfan ni mmg suka makan sup la...
mama amik recepi dari
125g butter
½ cup sugar(mama tak letak gula utk irfan)
¼ cup rolled oats
1 cup plain flour
1 tsp vanilla essence (optional) (ni pun tak letak)
1. Soften butter and mix with sugar and vanilla essence with a wooden spoon.
2. Mix in oats, then flour.
3. Separate into 2 portions and wrap in cling wrap.
4. Chill in fridge till firm.
5. Take out 1 chilled portion and roll out to about 1cm thick in between 2 sheets of cling wrap.
6. Cut with bear shape cookie cutter.
7. Re-chill dough if it becomes too soft to handle and work on the other portion.
8. Bake in oven at 190 C until lightly brown.
9. Cool and store in airtight container.
lunch and dinner semalam mama buatkan sup daging untuk irfan...masak sama macam sup daging biasa..mama tak letak garam untuk irfan...mama letak kentang, carrot, cendawan dan tofu..ok sikit la irfan makan...nasi nye tak makan sgt pun...dia hirup sup je byk...irfan ni mmg suka makan sup la...
Our Anniversary

hari ni genap 2 tahun kami kawin...cepat je masa berlalu...
hari ni keje, ahad lak abah ade kami celebrate anniversary 2 hari awal...sabtu
pagi2 mama surprise kan abah dengan kek, card, gift

petang pulak kami keluar untuk celebrate..
ahad abah ade job..balik dari shooting gambar wedding tu, abah surprise kan mama dengan bunga and gift...mama tak sangka pun..sebab sebelum tu abah dah bagi present kat mama...tq abah

mama betul2 suka family photo photo ni diprint atas canvas....thank you very much honey....
To my husband:
Thank you for the care and love
you bring so much joy and happiness in my life
thank you for all the thing you do to make us happy
i will always love you forever...
Happy Anniversary Dear
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